What is SLA?

SLA is a fully immersive nine month experience which involves practical hands on ministry, basic theology training and a once in a lifetime opportunity to take part in the annual SLA international missions trip.

  • Local Outreach & Global Missions

    Join us as we show the love of Jesus in Action locally in Norwich in partnership with SOUL Foundation and internationally as we embark on our annual SLA global missions trip


  • Hands-on Ministry Experience

    Grow in your gifting, skills & calling by serving in on of our various church departments.

    Be Developed Personally & Spiritually by 1-on-1 mentoring Sessions with our staff & Leadership Team

  • Accredited Theology Course

    Expand & Deepen your Theological understanding through our Engaging with Applied Theology course, In Partnership with Moorlands College.

    The Course involves; Interactive Live lectures, Assignment Submissions, access to the Moorlands Virtual Learning Environment & an NCFE Accredited Qualification on completion

International Applications Close July 5th 2024
 Local applications Close September 12th 2024

A defining moment

A defining moment –

Let’s talk specifics

  • The Engaging with Applied Theology Course is an enriching introduction into Applied Theology, Engage with Theologians, Unpack Hot Topics, Explore the Bible & Grow your Biblical Leadership through our Live lectures & Assignments.

    This Course is delivered in partnership with Moorlands College and has been accredited by NCFE as a Customised Qualification with the learning outcomes and assessment criteria benchmarked at Level 3 (Using a national framework’s level descriptors)

    Course Modules

    EAT01: Introduction to Applied Theology

    EAT02: Biblical Overview

    EAT04: Working with Young People

    EAT05: Personal & Professional Development

    EAT03: Mission & Ministry

    Course Handbook Available on Request

  • The SLA experience is immersive, which means that our students are fully involved in the day to day running, organisation, Behind-The Scenes elements of ministry. There are many areas students can specialise in

  • In 2024 our students had the trip of a life time in South Africa at the Tembalethu LSEN School.

    2025 we will be heading off to a new exciting Destination ( to be announced soon )

    Check out our global initiatives here: SOUL Foundation Global

  • SLA will begin in September 2024 (Start date to be confirmed) and will run until the end of July 2025

  • The Price for the year is £1600, to be paid upfront or in monthly installments. Student fees cover the SLA global missions trip as well as all educational & general student expenses.

  • Student Sponsorships

    We would love to offer sponsorships & Part Sponsorships to deserving students.

    If you would like to get involved, send us an email at SLA@soulchurch.com


  • The SLA is a four day a week program, including Sundays. Our students are afforded the flexibility to work part time and even further their studies throughout the year.

  • SLA is Open to applicants from Norwich, the UK & abroad! We’ve loved being able to welcome in people from various nationalities and walks of life over the years. If you are from outside the UK and considering applying, please reach out to us so we can best assist you.

  • We have no dedicated student accommodation.

    For International Students we can offer Host-Homes dependent on availability.

    Please reach out to us for more Info

  • Visa Sponsorships are available to successful International Applicants, who meet the visa eligibility requirements.

    *Please note, Limited Amount of Visa Sponsorships Available

    For more information on what Visa we offer See Charity Worker Visa

  • SLA is a 4 day a week programme (including Sundays)

    The general weekly schedule involves serving at church on Sunday, classes on a Tuesday & Wednesday Mornings, set department-based serving on a Wednesday Afternoon, and a serving schedule on Thursdays and Fridays that can be adjusted to suit your personal & Work commitments

  • You will be awarded with an NCFE accredited certificate of achievement on completion of the Course.

    Supported, Marked & assessed by Moorlands College.

  • The SLA program is aimed primarily at Young Adults between the ages of 18-25.

    Unfortunately the program is not open to U/18s

  • SLA is not available online or in the evenings as the program is a part-time, midweek experience involving hands-on ministry experience and classroom style teachings.

  • Based off of your Interests, Skills, Gifting & Calling as well as Department Availability we will make sure you are placed in the perfect serving area midweek

    Departments you can serve in



    Young Adults / University

    Care & Connect

    Pastoral Care






    Services & Creative

    Soul Foundation ( Outreach )

Student Testimonials